The only safe way? – Cars don’t cause auto accidents–drivers do, which is why the ultimate goal of some engineers is to create cars that don’t need drivers. And if you’re the pedestrian and one of these vehicles hits you, you’re more likely to die if you don’t have insurance.

A team of driverless cars took a 3-month journey from Europe to China. The result, according to, was “a pair of fender-benders, two technology-loving hitchhikers and 22 hours blocked at the Russian border.” The vehicles were controlled by a group of engineers stationed in Italy, in the same way that US drone war planes are flown by remote control from long distances away.
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Why it may be about to blow – Is the supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park about to blow? Sometimes science is right and seismologists have discovered that there is a huge plume of molten rock over 600 miles deep beneath the park that is increasing the changes of volcanic activity.

Seismologist Mathias Obrebski used huge array of seismometers to test the seismic plates along the plume and found them to be unstable. On the Fox News website, Lynne Peeples quotes seismologist Vic Camp as saying, “Chemical and physical volcanology evidence suggested a plume, but this is the first seismic proof. If you look at the mass extinctions on Earth, we think that a few may have been associated with eruptions from mantle plumes.”
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BEFORE they occur – In the 2002 film “Minority Report,” Tom Cruise plays a detective in the future who is able to solve crimes BEFORE they occurred. As scientists learn about the personality types of sociopaths, psychopaths, and other people who commit crimes, we may face a future where we have the touch choice of deciding whether to incarcerate potential criminals BEFORE they commit a crime.

On example of a beginning of this is the new crime prediction software which is being tested in Washington, D.C., in hopes that it can reduce both the murder and crime rate by predicting which ex-cons on parole are the most likely to either murder or be murdered. It is already being used in Baltimore and Philadelphia.
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Jim Marrs interviews Stanton Friedman about the difficulty scientists have accepting new realities.Again and again, scientists reject the new in favor of old ideas, and cling to them even when they are clearly wrong.

This powerful interview paintsa pictureof just how dangerous this kind of stubbornness and arrogance can be. Eugenics theory resulted in attempts to do things like sterilize the “unfit.” The theory was supported even by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, who engineered a court decision in favor of sterilizing an “inferior” woman.Then the Nazis used this mistaken theory to justify the most awful event in human history, the Holocaust.
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