Tom Campbell was instrumental in the creation of the US missile defense system, and worked with Robert Monroe on processes of entering altered states without the use of drugs. Tom is a pragmatic scientist who has broken through into an understanding of the larger reality and consciousness. In this interview with Marla Frees, Tom explains some extraordinary concepts, such as the fact that love pushes away disorder in life, and actually gives us power.

Tom says, “reality is information,” echoing some of the most recent discoveries in physics that suggest that the universe has a holographic structure, and that our feeling of interconnectedness depends on the degree to which we are open to the possibilities that exist around us.
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This week, Anne Strieber talks to another member of the Unknowncountry community, "Steve." Rather than explain what you should expect from this interview, we’ll let Steve tell you in his own moving words:

"The things that have swirled around me as I have lived my life are so odd that many times I never told anyone, because they were too weird for me to believe, let alone anyone else. Sometimes I am so lonely I could cry. I just want so much to be heard by people like you, because It means so much to me that I know these things have happened to others as well. I feel my struggle has not been for nothing. I don’t know why I have been chosen to experience these things when I see others live their lives in relative peace.
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Or NOT – Can we escape our fate? Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer says Steven Hawking was wrong to warn us that aliens may be trying to colonize the Earth. While Hellyer as asserted in the past that the alien presence is real, he doesn’t believe it is dangerous.

In the Canadian Press, Peter Rakobowchuk reports that Hellyer can’t understand why Hawking warned that they could lead to the destruction of humanity. He quotes Hellyer as saying, “The reality is that [aliens] been visiting Earth for decades and probably millennia and have contributed considerably to our knowledge. Microchips, for example, fiber-optics, they are just two of the many things that allegedly–and probably for real –came from crashed vehicles.”
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He talks about the problems with disclosure – In his latest Journal, Whitley Strieber writes: “Every few weeks, it seems, another announcement appears claiming that some authoritative group, usually involving the pope, the president, Edgar Mitchell and whomever, is about to announce that UFOs are no longer unknown, but are alien craft. I’ve been hearing about pending announcements like this for as long as I’ve had an interest in the subject, and they have always worried me. They worry me more than ever now.” Read Whitley’s new Journal to find out why, and come meet Whitley in person at our Dreamland Festival!

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