This week on Dreamland I interview Bruce and Andrea Leininger about what I believe to be the most convincing reincarnation story ever told. Their book, Soul Survivor, is about their son, James, who at the age of two began saying peculiar things that they gradually came to realize involved events in a past life.

When he began to mention specifics, they found that they were actually able to look up the names, for example, of a ship he remembered being on in World War II. It was not a famous ship. In fact, it took some doing to find it, and it is impossible that a child could ever have known it.
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In view of David Wilcock’s claims that disclosure is coming soon, William Henry asks Whitley Strieber about what this might mean in the context of the current rash of ‘alien related’ TV shows such as ‘V’ and movies like ‘The Fourth Kind.’

Whitley’s response is explosive, impassioned and completely unexpected. He blazes forth with information about why the visitors are really here and how their presence means total change of a kind that the materialistic establishment that now runs this world cannot tolerate. He also explains how they propose to engage with humankind, and what they want to accomplish. To him, “disclosure” by our own officials means little, because they have no idea what is actually happening.
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Men have more trouble coping in a recession than women do. Could this be because testosterone makes them more miserly?

In New Scientist, Ewen Callaway quotes neuroeconomist Karen Redwine as saying, “Our broad conclusion is that testosterone causes men essentially to be stingy.” With team member Paul Zak, she gave a gel containing testosterone to 25 participants, which elevated their level of the male hormone to twice the normal amount, then gave them a test that revealed their level of generosity. They all also got a cream containing the female hormone oxytocin, which helps regulate childbirth (one of the ultimate examples of generosity).
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The slo-mo & wagon wheel illusions – Is time just an illusion? We have more and more evidence that this is the case. In order to understand how our brains work, Subscribers get to listen to the paper that Anne Strieber presented at the conference, which tells you why contactees and abductees are essential for future life on earth).

Action films often show dangerous events happening in slow motion. This is taken from real life, since so many people who have been in these types of situations report the sensation of time slowing down, which gives them more “time” to take defensive action against what is threatening them.
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