Many Dreamlanders photograph orbs. At the Dreamland Festival, there were dozens of photographs of orbs taken, especially around Anne Strieber. But what are they? Some of us think of them as the spirits of the dead. Others believe that they?­re artifacts of the digital age-anomalies that appear in digital media.

Since the Dreamland Festival, other photos of Anne have shown orbs close to her, and she has become extremely curious about what they are. Listen as she interviews a remarkable orb expert from England, Antonia Scott-Clark, who has been photographing them for years, and now tells us her ideas and theories.
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Antonia Scott-Clarke has an implant. Whitley Strieber has an implant. Let?s listen as they discuss the objects that have been placed in their bodies and how they feel about them. Just a few days ago, Antonia Scott-Clarke set off yet another alarm while going through airport security. She asked the agent to use a wand to test the back of her head and indeed, in the place where something strange appeared five years ago, the instrument gave an alarm indicating the present of metal.
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Christmas has come, and with it a renewed sense of inner joy. I always have a rough time between October and December, because that’s the part of 1985 that I was dealing with the visitors, but unable to consciously remember what was happening at night. When you see in Communion the scene of me prowling around with the shotgun, that’s when it happened. I also set up an alarm system I bought at Radio Shack.

Nobody knows anymore when Jesus was actually born, but his life is now a symbol of the greater life of man, so it is appropriate that we celebrate his birth at the same time that this ancient human festival takes place.
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Which parent determines the sex of their child? – It turns out that it’s mostly up to the man?if you ARE the dad! It may also depend on whether or not dad smokes.

Researchers found that men were more likely to have sons if they had more brothers (and vice-versa if they had more sisters). The same link was not found for women.

Basically, the woman provide the X chromosome (people with XX are female). The male can provide either a Y or another X (and people with XY chromosomes are male).
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