Is Morgellons Disease real? The US government thinks so, since the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has just given care giant Kaiser Permanente over $300,000 to test and interview 150 to 500 patients suffering from it.

There is still controversy over whether or not Morgellons is a psychiatric condition (which does NOT mean that it isn’t a “real” disease). The symptoms include skin sores, from which mysterious red, blue or black fibers emerge, accompanied by intense itching. Some physicians think these “fibers” are an indication that the disease is caused by parasites.

The study will be done in northern California, where many Morgellons patients live.

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Farming will be different in the future due to global warming?food will be grown in different places and in different ways. And the foods we eat may not be as good for us as they once were.

When carbon dioxide levels rise in the air, this causes a decrease in the nutritional value of many crops. Researcher Max Taub tested this by increasing levels of CO2 gas in the atmosphere where basic crops like barley, rice, wheat, soybeans and potatoes were planted, and found that their protein decreased between 10 and 14%. Soybeans were the least affected, with a decrease in protein of less than 2%.
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Scientists have always assumed that humans have better memories than our close cousins the chimpanzees, but in a recent contest, the chimps won! Now they’ve won again?in a contest with a British memory champion who is able to memorize the order of a shuffled pack of cards in less than 30 seconds. Want to remember something YOU’VE just studied? Go home and take a nice long nap?it will give you the memory of a monkey!
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Not only is China polluting the earth, now it’s throwing trash into space as well.

A year ago, China intentionally destroyed its own aging weather spacecraft with an anti-satellite (ASAT) device, creating in the process a lingering cloud of dangerous space junk?the largest amount of orbital debris in five decades of worldwide space activities. In other words, they left so much litter in space that NASA had to execute a collision-avoidance maneuver with its spacecraft in order to evade it.
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