Most of us don’t think much about those “I, you, me, he, she, they and it” words we call pronouns. But new research suggests they may play a far greater role than simply replacing a proper name in a sentence?they help keep our brain from being overloaded. And when it comes to overloaded brains, there’s good news: a real breakthrough in the teaching of dyslexic kids.
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The mathematicians who first created the invisibility cloak now think that the same technology could be used to create 3D TV.

The secret is a mathematical construct known as “wormholes.” Mathematician Allan Greenleaf says, “You could pass an object into one end [of their wormhole tube], watch it disappear as it traveled the length of the tunnel, and then see it reappear out the other end.” The wormholes themselves would be invisible, but their ends could transmit light carried up from below. It would be as if thousands of pixels were simply floating in the air.

But Greenleaf admits that, even though the mathematics show that it’s possible, a TV set that broadcasts in 3D is a very long way off (so it won’t be available THIS Christmas!)
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Does Ozone contribute to global warming? New research shows that it could be a bigger factor in climate change than scientists have realized.

Ozone gas occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It’s formed in the stratosphere by the action of solar radiation on oxygen. It is also caused by man-made pollution. Ozone absorbs part of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun, reducing the amount of dangerous solar radiation that reaches the earth.

When ozone stays close to the ground, it damages plants so they can no longer absorb carbon dioxide as well as they used to. In BBC News, Paul Rincon quotes researcher Peter Cox as saying, “Ozone could be twice as important as we previously thought as a driver of climate change.”

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Items are racing out of our store FAST. We put on our super sale in order to make room for an extraordinary group of new DVDs, which can all be found on our website store. Keep reading for a description of each one. And remember: subscribers can take an additional 10% off every item!
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