An ingredient found in many shampoos and other personal care products appears to interfere with normal brain development in baby mice when applied to the skin of their pregnant mothers, so it might be a bad idea for pregnant PEOPLE to use it as well.

Researchers have discovered that Diethanolamine (DEA) was applied to the skin of pregnant mice, the fetuses showed inhibited cell growth and increased cell death in an area of the brain responsible for memory?the hippocampus. DEA appears to block the body’s ability to absorb the nutrient choline, which is essential for normal development of the brain. A pregnant woman requires extra choline so that she can pass the nutrient on to the fetus. Researcher Steven Zeisel says, “You need choline to build a baby.”
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Biblical scholars believe that there is a lost gospel that the four writers of the existing gospels?Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?drew upon for their writings. Scholars call this book “Q.” Some linguists think there may be a lost language that modern languages have all built upon in a similar fashion. William Henry calls this the language of the birds. Some of these scholars point out that the reason for the “m” sound in the noun for “mother” in so many languages is probably because it’s one of the easiest sounds for humans to make, and is therefore a sound that all babies produce. But it turns out that complex VERBS have the same sort of strange similarities.
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Linda Howe describes what it was like to be on one of the United flights that terrorists had targeted to blow up. As she arrived at Heathrow to board her flight, this weeks British Red Terror Alert unfolded around her.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Dr. Bob Hieronimus is known to many of you for his long-time show 21st Century Radio. He is also a leading scholar of early American history. In this startling interview, Whitley Strieber explores the occult forces that were involved in the founding of our country. What does the Great Seal actually mean? Why is a pagan symbol, the pyramid with its all-seeing eye, on the dollar bill? What influence did the Iroquois Federation have on the creation of the US Constitution? Above all, what secret societies control our country to this day, and do they still have the same good heart that was present in the days of the Founders…or are we in real trouble? Dr. Bob’s website is
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