Whitley Strieber talks to Dr. Nick Begich about the stunning earth changes that are exploding across the landscape of the arctic far faster than scientists anticipated in their worst nightmares. He also discusses the disappearance of Nick’s father, Congressman Nick Begich, St. and House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, in a mysterious plane crash that has never been solved. You will also be astonished to learn that one of the reasons that oil prices are so high is that the administration has changed the law that required Alaskan oil to be sent to the United States–and is now sending it to Japan!

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.read more

Finally, some good news about the environment: the ozone hole over the Antarctic is closing and may disappear by the year 2050 because of the reduction in emissions of ozone-depleting gases.

What does ozone do for us, anyway? It protects us from excess radiation from the sun. The magnetic shield around the earth does the same thing, but this may be disrupted as the poles shift magnetic positions (something that happens regularly and is in progress right now), so we need a sound ozone layer.

However, there are still old refrigerators and air conditioners being used, mainly in the US and Canada, that give off high levels of ozone-destroying fluorocarbons. While these types of appliances are now illegal, there are still old ones in use.
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A year ago we warned you that baby bottles are dangerous for boys. The trouble is, in the US, bottle feeding babies is big business. Now a new cancer study shows that early exposure to low doses of environmental estrogens?which means the type of plastic in baby bottles?during development of the prostate gland in the male fetus may result in a predisposition to prostate cancer later in life. Since prostate cancer is killing men in this country at a high rate?the way breast cancer used to kill women?this is a major finding.
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Scientists at M.I.T. have clearly linked the increase in hurricane activity to global warming and global warming to “pollution released by humans.” And what’s the state of Katrina-ravaged New Orleans? It’s still sinking. The Army Corps of Engineers has finally admitted that the levees that were supposed to protect it were defective.

Ker Than writes in LiveScience.com that climatologist Kerry Emanuel will soon publish a paper that shows how global warming is responsible for the increasingly stronger Atlantic Ocean hurricanes we’ve experienced in the past few decades, but he’s made an even more courageous statement in this paper, where he says that the key to global warming is human pollution, in the form of greenhouse gases.
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