Scientists have discovered that marijuana doesn?t just get you “high,” it actually stimulates brain growth. They want to find a way to use it to treat anxiety and depression, since some scientists believe that depression can begin when too few new brain cells are grown in the hippocampus. It may eventually be used as part of a program to treat Alzheimer’s or dementia, diseases that are becoming more common as the population ages.

The key ingredient is the chemical HU-210. Neuropsychiatrist Xia Zhang says the synthetic version is 100 times as powerful as THC, that ingredient in natural marijuana. She says, “This is a very potent cannabinoid oil. It’s not something that would be available on the street.”

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Hurricane Wilma grew with unprecedented speed on Tuesday,moving from Category 2 to Category 4 in an hour, then toCategory 5 in another 2 hours. This massive storm now hassustained winds of 175 miles an hour, andappears to contain the lowest barometric pressure everrecorded. Normally, ahurricane will require 10 to 24 hours to increase by onecategory. The storm appears poised to enter the Gulf ofMexico, and the National Hurricane Center iswarning residents on Florida’s west coast to watchWilma carefully.

At present, the storm is moving toward the Yucatanpeninsula, but its intensity suggests that it will remainintact and will enter the Gulf.
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The government is using our tax dollars to research self-propelled cars and edible space rovers, neither of which will be of much use to the average person. But the CIA is working on a generator that produces electricity with no fuel?now THAT’S something we could use!

John Dillin writes in The Christian Science Monitor that SkyBuilt Power Inc. is designing a generator that is so touch it can be parachuted out of an airplane and set up anywhere, because it?s fueled by solar and wind energy. Besides being valuable for the military, this would have been invaluable for victims of Katrina?especially for hospitals and nursing homes that were hit by the hurricane.
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We get so much conflicting advice about the right way to eat these days, and here?s more of it: some researchers say we should forget Atkins and return to a high-carb diet, while others says that a high-protein diet helps us to avoid the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease. What’s the truth?

Nutritionist Olga Raz is becoming as famous in Israel as Dr. Atkins was in the US, for her Bread for Life diet. Book editor Debora Yost says, “It’s the diet other publishers didn’t want to touch because it is so anti-Akins and South Beach, but I?ve known all along that there were flaws in those diets and knew it was just a matter of time until carbohydrates would come back in vogue and be part of a sensible eating program.”
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