Newswise – Talk about BAD LUCK: some people get lung cancer who have never smoked a cigarette! Lung cancer patients who have never smoked probably have one of two genetic mutations thatare linked to the disease. Scientists hope this will helpthem understand why the same program of chemotherapy and/orradiology works for some cancer patients, but not for others.

It turns out that exposure to second hand smoke or pollutioncan induce lung cancer in people with a mutation in a geneknown as EGFR. There are people who appear not to besusceptible to lung cancer–who smoke all their lives butlive to an old age. The trouble is, not many of us have thatgenetic makeup!

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You may be 18?or 21?or 60?or MORE?but what’s your REAL age?Your real age is the biological age of your body, based onhow well you’ve maintained yourself. Are you really asyoung (or old) as you think you are? Take the RealAge testfrom the New Scientist website and find outwhat your age REALLY is! To take the test,click here.

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Whitley and I are moving, and while packing and sorting through years of acquired items is sheer hell, it’s something everyone should do more often.

First, you find so many wonderful memories, such as letters from a son away at camp for the first time (complete with childish illustrations), tucked in the back of a desk drawer, and love letters from a new husband (the same one who’s the old husband now). But the main thing you find is papers and books that you have no idea why you kept–so you throw them away! It’s like throwing away the extraneous, annoying parts of your life and keeping only the precious ones.
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Despite being in the throes of moving, Anne has written anew diary about howmoving from one house to another is a metaphor for moving onin life. Don’t miss this.

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