German scientists have found that mutations in the MC4R genehave a “major” impact on people’s body mass index. Peoplewho have the mutations are much heavier than those who donot.

The researchers examined the body weights and DNA of 181relatives of 25 extremely obese patients who carry the genemutation, and found that the people who had the geneticmutation were significantly heavier. They say this provesthat this mutation is linked to a “strong predisposition” toobesity. They say, “It is well known that body weight isinfluenced by many genetic and environmental factors.” Butthey think the mutations do not, by themselves, account forobesity, because some thin people also carry the geneticmutations.
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Environmentalists predict that global warming, which canlead to droughts and encroaching deserts, will lead to warsin the future. This is already happening in Africa.

Ed Stoddard writes that many African conflicts there can betraced back to increasingly parched and degraded land. SouthAfrican environmentalist Crispian Olver says, “From foodsecurity to health we see climate change as a very bigthreat right across Africa.”
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The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye is one of the most remarkable Dreamland shows we’ve ever had. Learn how this cross relates to another cross in Peru, and how a mysterious alchemist called Fulcanelli may have possessed on of mankind’s greatest secrets. THEN Linda has a brand new update on Mars life–truly, a stunner of a report.

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This week, subscribers get to hear from implant expert Dr.Roger Leir, who went to a conference in Brazil, and found himself talking with a doctor and a number of other witnesses to a truly extraordinary event-the examination of an alien in a hospital. Do not miss the message the alien left for us. It is tremendously important, and must be heard.

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