If we meet up with aliens, will we be able to talk to each other? We can’t even understand the language of some of the creatures that live right here on Earth with us.

Astronomer Guy Consolmagrio says, “[It’s possible] we find an intelligent civilization and there’s no way in creation we can communicate with them because they’re so alien to us. We can’t talk to dolphins now.”

Scientists have long been studying how chimpanzees, whales, parrots and dolphins communicate. Now they’ve added dogs to the list. “For psychologists, dogs may be the new chimpanzees,” says researcher Paul Bloom. “Dog owners often boast about the communicative and social abilities of their pets, and this study seems to vindicate them.”
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Scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found mouse traces in 82% of U.S. homes just like yours. Samples were collected from 75 randomly selected areas across the country. The 831 homes tested were in all parts of the U.S. (the northeast, southeast, midwest, southwest, northwest), all housing types, and in urban, suburban, and rural settings.

Researchers looked for evidence in dust samples from kitchen and living room floors, upholstered furniture, beds, and bedroom floors. Kitchen floor concentrations were the highest?enough to cause allergies and asthma. Residents of high-rise apartments and mobile homes had the largest amounts.
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As the Congressional investigation on 911 nears completion, secret information has begun to leak out. Before 911, Niaz Khan, a Pakistani living in the U.K., told the FBI he’d been trained by al Qaeda to hijack airplanes and was in the U.S. to carry out an attack. The FBI questioned him, then let him go. Khan says, “I told them before the 9/11, about more than year before, [about the] hijacking in America or on American airline.”
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Tommy Woodard, of the Utah Film Commission, was taking a video of the Utah countryside, when he captured a UFO on video. He says, “When I was shooting the picture, I didn’t see the object?In all my pictures, I’ve never seen anything like this.

“I didn’t get out of the car when I took the specific shot. I just leaned up to the car window, took the shot and kept driving.”
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