Stephen Foster writes in the Rochdale (U.K.) Observer about a group of children who saw a UFO. They say it hovered slowly at rooftop level for several minutes, then suddenly shot away. They’ve made drawings of what they saw, and all of them show a similar craft.
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In Whitley’s profound new journal, he talks about a recent trip when “I felt that I had to get to Marathon, Texas, and that I was behind schedule?We went racing down the dark, empty highway at speeds sometimes far in excess of my usual sedate pace. I was literally frantic to get to the Gage Hotel” for a meeting with the grays. He writes, “I have been living and breathing the dark side for quite a time…I have been trying to understand how something that has contributed such immense knowledge and joy to my life could even have a side as dark as I know it to be. But then again, look at us: the same species that accepted the divinity of Christ also tortured him to death; the same nation that birthed Bach and Mozart and Beethoven, Goethe and Mann, gassed the Jews.”
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Ever want to pretend you’re stuck in traffic as an excuse for breaking a date? Now there’s software for your cell phone that can generate a fake background noise, so when you call to cancel, you’ll be believed.

Will Knight writes in New Scientist that SoundCover can also mimic a thunderstorm, a dentist’s drill or even a circus, so you don’t have to use the same excuse every time. You can even assign background noises to specific callers, so if the excuse works once, you can use it again (and again). An especially popular sound is another phone ringing, so you can pretend you have to answer your landline.
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In the February 1994 edition of the Atlantic Monthly, researcher Robert Kaplan wrote an article called “The Coming Anarchy,” stating that, “For a while the media will continue to ascribe riots and other violent upheavals…mainly to ethnic and religious conflict. But as these conflicts multiply, it will become apparent that something else is afoot. It is time to understand the environment for what it is: the national security issue of the 21st century.” The new Pentagon study agrees with this.
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