Recent NASA satellite images and space-based measurements of the thickness of Earth’s polar ice sheets show they are melting much more rapidly than we thought. Large areas of ice in southeast Greenland, West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula are changing rapidly and scientists don’t understand why this is happening so fast. NASA?s Eric Rignot says, “Earth’s polar ice sheets are changing over relatively short time scales, that is, decades versus thousands of years.”
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The U.S. military buildup is now estimated to consist of up to 100,000 troops positioned within striking distance of Iraq. In the midst of these preparations for a new war in the Middle East, one question is never asked: Are we doing it for the oil? If we could gain control of Iraq, we would no longer have to rely on Saudi Arabia for oil. This would mean we could take a harder line with the Saudis and insist, for instance, that they crack down on the terrorists within their borders and stop brainwashing school children with anti-American propaganda.
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Researchers have found that short, symmetrical women have longer relationships with men. People whose faces and bodies are the same on both sides are considered more attractive and have an easier time attracting mates. It also helps to be short: the average height for a British woman is 5 feet, 4 inches, but those who are a few inches shorter are most likely to be married and to have children by the age of 42. This is true for all social classes. However, women prefer men who are taller than average.
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The U.S. and Russia were the first to launch spacecraft. The European Union is now launching their own spacecraft, and businesses regularly launch commercial satellites. Now, for the first time, U.S. hobbyists will launch a rocket into space. The Civilian Space Exploration Team of Minnesota plans to launch a rocket 70 miles into space from the Black Rock desert in Nevada. According to team member Jerry Larson, “All systems are go.”

The FAA has given the group permission to launch their Primera Spaceshot 2002 rocket, which is designed to separate into two parts. The 2 pieces will parachute back to Earth 25 miles from the launch site. Project director Ky Michaelson says, “Everything is home made. We want to prove that an amateur could do this.”
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