The important book you are about to read (UFOs and the National Security State by Richard Dolan) is the first comprehensive study of the U.S. Government’s response to the intrusion of UFO phenomena in American skies over the last 50 years. While several historical studies of the controversies surrounding the reports have been conducted, the military and intelligence implications have, until now, remained in a state of confusion.
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Those of us who have studied UFOs for many years arefamiliar with the researcher Dr. Jacques Vallee, who wroteground-breaking books on the subject such as Passport toMagonia. Vallee retired from the UFO world about 10 yearsago for unknown reasons, perhaps due to fatigue brought onby UFO infighting, perhaps due to frustration with being arigorous scientist in a field known for its second-ratescience that is scorned by the media and the scientificestablishment. Now he?s back with an introduction to the newedition of Richard Dolan?s book, UFOs and the NationalSecurity State. To have an introduction by Jacques Valleeis a great honor for Dolan and means that his book is seenas important by a scientist who has done some of the mostimportant work in the more

Spanking can cause children to grow up to beaggressive and abusive adults, according to psychologistElizabeth Thompson Gershoff of the National Center forChildren in Poverty at Columbia University, who analyzed 88different studies on spanking.

Spanking works – it’s usually followed by immediate obedience.But it’s also linked with aggression, antisocial behaviorand abuse of children and spouses in adulthood. “There isgeneral consensus that corporal punishment is effective ingetting children to comply immediately, while at the sametime there is caution from child abuse researchers thatcorporal punishment, by its nature, can escalate intophysical maltreatment,” Gershoff says.
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The 213 cube symbols carved into the stone ceiling ofRosslyn Chapel in Scotland, built by the Knights Templar in1477, remain a mystery. Some people believe they?re a kindof musical notation system that records a melody of greatspiritual significance to the Templars.

Now a Matsushita of Japan, which owns Panasonic, is tryingto decode the symbols, hoping to develop a line ofrelaxation products using vibrations from the sounds. Eightscientists and music specialists from around the world aretrying to understand the relationship between the symbols,which look like a series of lines and dots, and musical notes.
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