We are continuing to publish this article periodically, in view of the many new visitors coming to the site. It was first published in August, 2001, then a second time in Feburary, 2002.

This journal entry is about UFO secrecy. It does not follow the usual line about the secrecy being basically caused by arrogant government types who have too low an opinion of the common man to allow him to know the truth about his own world. Instead, it discusses possible reasons why who are whatever is out there would choose to act toward us as they do.

If they are really there–and I think they are–then they obviously agree with any secrecy our leadership imposes. Indeed, they are probably the architects of it. So what’s really going on?
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After our popular Dreamland interview with Kristina Borjesson, author of ?Into the Buzzsaw? on Saturday night, about how big government and big media are influencing the media, one listener wrote: ?What can we do??

Kristina gives this answer: ?Do not feel helpless. There are things you can do that won’t swallow up your time or money.
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The witches of Lancaster, California practice an ancient, Earth-centered religion known as Paganism. A group of more than 300 residents of the area 40 miles north of downtown Los Angeles sometimes invites the public to their gatherings. But they say their Christian neighbors violated their rights on the evening of March 16 when they showed up for a sacred spring equinox ceremony in the parking lot of a local Pagan gift shop, praying loudly to Jesus while drowning out the witches? singing and chanting with Christian hymns.
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A study by author Dr. Sharon Giese, an associate professor of plastic surgery at State University of New York, has found that overweight women who had large amounts of fat suctioned out experienced sustained weight loss as well as reduced blood pressure and improved insulin levels two years later.
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