Whitley Strieber wrote this story a year ago:I think that the most important thing we can all do now is pray. Prayer is real and it offers succor to the suffering and the dead. I have always feared that a great terrorist attack might take place against our just and beloved homeland. This has now happened, and as yet we do not know whether or not it’s over or if this is the only country in the world involved.

God be with all of us, most especially those of us who have lost loved ones, or will lose them in the hours and days to come, and those who are dying and suffering in this horrible attack
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American Airlines Flight 11 enroute from Boston to Los Angeles was hijacked today and flown into the World Trade Center. All aboard were killed. At present, it is unknown who hijacked this and the other planes that have been flown into various buildings around our country.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Military jets are now airborne over New York and Washington and possibly other cities with orders to shoot down any planes in the air. The airspace over all American cities is closed to air activity at this time.

As of 12:15 EST, we have reports that Los Angeles International Airport is being evacuated. All incoming international flights into the United States have been diverted to Canada. Whether or not these flights have obeyed the diversion has not been announced by the FAA. US airbases are on high alert on the West Coast, and we now have reports that any aircraft that enter US airspace without authorization will be shot down.

Please be aware that these are unconfirmed reports as of 12:15, and we are attempting to update them on a moment to moment basis.read more

US Continental Military Commands are moving to threatcon level alerts. These alert levels are associated with immediate threat and warfare. Air Force One has landed at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana, after initially leaving Florida for Washington.

The President has stated that the US military and government are intact and still functional. The communications areas at the Pentagon that have been destroyed or compromised have not interrupted full and complete command and control throughout the US military worldwide.
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