A lost city may have been found beneath 2,300 feet of water off the coast of Cuba, in an area just recently opened to exploration by the Cuban government.

Several foreign companies have joined together with the Cuban government to begin a systematic search of the area. ?It?s a new frontier,? says Paulina Zelitsky, of the Canadian company Advanced Digital Communications. ?We are discovering the influence of currents on global climate, volcanoes, the history of formation of Caribbean islands, numerous historic wrecks and even possibly a sunken city built in the pre-classic period and populated by an advanced civilization similar to the early Teotihuacan culture of Yucatan.?
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Japanese Scientists Say Yonaguni Pyramid Manmade

Tonight (Saturday, May 19th) on Dreamland, Ancient American Magazine editor Frank Joseph reports on a conference he recently attended in Japan at which Japanese geologists and archaeologists argued that the sunken pyramid off the island of Yonaguni near Okinawa has been found to be manmade.

The structure was found by dive tour operator Kihachiro Aratake in 1985 and has been a source of controversy ever since. It appears to be a construction made of wide terraces, ramps and large steps. However, American geologists have contented that the structure is not manmade, but a natural formation.
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Note: Leslie Kean?s story has been picked up by 7 other newspapers across the country. She will talk with us on Dreamland May 19 about how hard it has been to get this story, and her story last May about the French COMETA report on UFO’s that was published in the Boston Globe, placed in mainstream media. Terry Hansen, author of ?The Missing Times,? talked about this problem with us on Dreamland May 12.
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It is no secret that many scientists are becoming disenchanted with skeptics groups and the skeptical paradigm in general. Skeptics groups have been losing membership, and some institutions now take a dim view of membership in groups like CSICOP, the Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.

This is because of a growing concern that skeptics groups and publications are interfering with the progress of science by attempting to compel the rejection of evidence that does not fit existing models of reality. Institutionalized skepticism is beginning to appear more like a religious practice, far removed from the ideals of scientific objectivity which inspired founders such as Dr. Carl Sagan.
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