This is something that all single men yearn to know, as they practice the "lines" they’ll use when they meet a new woman. But it turns out that it’s not so much what you SAY that matters, but your tone of voice when you say it (and there’s not much you can do about that).

Women are turned on by low male voices. In the same way that bright plumage attracts female birds, because it denotes a healthy bird, a deep voice may instinctively attract women, because it denotes healthy masculinity (with lots of testosterone).
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Researchers have found that when choosing a partner, women believe the lower the man’s voice, the more likely he’s going to cheat. Men think the opposite: that a woman with a higher voice is more likely to be unfaithful. Participants in a recent study were asked to listen to two versions of recorded clips from a male voice and a female voice, which were electronically manipulated to be both higher and lower in pitch. They were then asked which one, from each pair, was more likely to cheat sexually on their romantic partner.
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While people who claim to have come face to face Visitors from other worlds differ in the details of their encounters, there?s one thing they all have in common: they all say the Visitors spoke to them with a voice they perceived as being inside their heads.

Now John Gartner writes in wired news that we may soon be able to understand how this is done and even do it ourselves.

A new invention called the Audio Spotlight emits a one-foot square column of sound that can only be heard by people in its direct path. Joseph Pompei, of the MIT Media Lab, developed it while working as the youngest engineer at the audio company Bose, at age 16. This ?directed? audio sounds like it?s coming from right in front of you even when transmitted from a distance.
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