Rev. Michael Carter’s interest in extraterrestrials in the Bible was sparked by his discovery of an ET presence in his own life. Here, he goes into detail about that presence and what it has meant to him over the years, bringing his in-depth knowledge of scripture to his interpretations of what is happening to him. This is a unique situation. Rev. Carter is the only biblical expert in the world who also has, admits to, and analyzes ET experiences in terms of his knowledge.

Listen and Whitley and Anne Strieber question him about the meaning of ET in his life. Truly a one-of-a-kind interview!
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Does the Bible include references to alien contact? If so, what were they doing here and how did they change our history? Rev. Michael J.S. Carter explodes the myths and the denial, and reveals the truth, in this powerful interview with Whitley and Anne Strieber. Join us for this joyous Christmas adventure into some of the hidden wonders of mankind’s true past, guided by one of the great experts in the field.

Learn more about Rev. Carter, his book and his work! Visit
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