Tiger Woods just won the US Open, so we’re all thinking about golf. One of the main reasons that communities object to have golf courses built in their areas is that, while they bring valuable tourism to the area, they also bring pesticides, which are needed to keep all that grass green and weed free. This can leach into the water table, but what if you could grow golf course quality grass WITHOUT using pesticides?
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…making us more likely to get cancer? – Researchers have discovered that the seeds of some genetically modified crops can stay alive in soil for at least 10 years, meaning they could take over a field that has been planted in another crop. This shows why we need to open seed banks. And the pesticides sprayed on these fields, which GM crops are engineered to withstand, may be dangerous. Conventional pesticides are suspected of causing DNA changes that lead to cancer, so maybe the special pesticie used on GM crops does too.
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?and pesticides may cause Parkinsons Disease – Our bodies are already filled with pesticides. We know that melting glaciers could release dangerous microbes, and now it’s been discovered that they may also release pesticides! In New Scientist, Ewen Callaway writes, “Decades after most countries stopped spraying DDT, frozen stores of the insecticide are now trickling out of melting Antarctic glaciers. The change means Ad

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Our bodies are filled with pesticides, and they may cause brain tumors. Agricultural workers exposed to high levels of pesticides and people who use them on houseplants appear to have a greater risk of developing this disease.
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