Given the enormous amount of UFO activity worldwide, the strange sounds that emerged last year and came to a climax in early 2012, and now the unexplained explosions, it is reasonable to ask the question: could some extraordinary change be on the way, and, if so, how do we prepare?

This week for Unknowncountry subscribers, Whitley Strieber offers a meditation that enables us to sense coming change and prepare for it within ourselves. He will dialogue with you about it in the comments section of the Meditation more

Therapists used to think of meditation as nothing more than a fading hippie pursuit or a useful means of relaxation. But a few psychologists were secretly trying it out–and they found it to be an incredible healer. Whitley Strieber found it to be something even MORE: In "Solving the Communion Enigma," he talks about how meditation helped connect him to the Visitors.
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