Movies contain esoteric symbolism, and many of the early movie makers were Masons. Here, a master Mason explores the secrets of the movies. Some writers and directors have deep esoteric knowledge and have been inspired to use the power of the medium to explore profound secrets.

Light vs. dark, good vs. evil, the hidden meanings of movies like the Matrix and their connection to Manichean Gnosticism–all this and more. See INTO the movies for the first time!
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32nd Degree Mason Robert W. Sullivan IV explains how the Royal Arch of Enoch, a high degree Masonic Ritual developed in France in the 1700s, has had a huge hidden influence on our world. Whitley Strieber calls the Royal Arch of Enoch "one of the deepest, most revealing and most intelligent books about Masonry that I have ever read." Whitley’s special connection to Masonry arises out of his own life in close encounter, and the fact that, as he points out in a number of his books, the visitors used Masonic principles and, in one situation, Masonic ritual in their relationship with him.
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