We’ve recently written about how Alzheimer’s disease may be triggered by what you eat. Now scientists suspect that it could be prevented by what you smoke.

THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, is better at suppressing the abnormal clumping of malformed proteins that characterizes Alzheimer’s than any of the drugs now on the market. Almost 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, the dreaded disease that steals time.

Charles Q. Choi writes in LiveScience.com that THC may inhibit the action of the enzyme AchE in the brain, that accelerates the formation of those memory-destroying brain clumps.
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Several years ago, we interviewed Rick Strassman on Dreamland about his book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule.” He’s a University of New Mexico scientist who was given the first official government grant to do research on hallucinogenic drugs. He reported that all of the volunteers who were given the drug DMT saw the SAME visions?and they all came into contact with similar ET-like beings. Shamans report hearing the same reactions from people who use drugs, or other methods, to attain alternate mental states. The UK writer and explorer Graham Hancock experienced a vision that Anne Strieber recognized, when he took the hallucinogenic drug Iboga for research purposes and described his visions in his new book Supernatural, which will be available in the US on September 1st.read more

Even administration apologists pretty much admit the fact that our war on drugs is a failure, since we have more addicts than ever. Mexico’s president Vincente Fox recently proposed decriminalizing drugs in his country, but quickly backpedaled when our government objected, fearing that even more drugs would flow over the border. Canadians have considered legalizing marijuana. Some state have legalized pot when it is used as medicine. But the liberal drug laws that were passed in Switzerland ten years ago have led to an 80% decline in the number of addicts there. Maybe the war on drugs is a war we should stop fighting.
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