Iphones make many of us nervous, but new iphone apps can save you from both big and small problems. One of these apps warns you about high levels of solar activity, which fluctuates over an 11-year cycle, It’s likely to peak over the next year, which could send radioactive particles from strong solar storms, via cosmic rays, down to the Earth (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). This could cause major problems for the 1,000 satellites now flying in space, but will probably only effect your cell phone use, unless the radiation is so strong that we need to take cover.read more

Do you have the wrong kind of phone? New research shows that some of the smartphones specifically designed to support the Android mobile platform have incorporated additional features that can be used by hackers to bypass Android’s security features, making them more vulnerable to attack. Android has the largest share of the smartphone market in the US.
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It’s not just because you can have sex with it. Biologists and mathematicians have discovered that nature follows a formula known as the "golden mean," which refers to the proportions found in nature. It is a ratio based on "pi," the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Because these proportions are everywhere around us, we are biologically programmed to find them beautiful. Steve Jobs, who just died, knew this: Apple products appeal to us because they design their products using the SAME mathematical formula.
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