As glaciers melt and sea levels rise, threatening coastal cities, geologists are trying to predict the future by looking at what happened when sea levels rose in the past. Meanwhile, high levels of methane are showing up in the Arctic, and there’s a big danger that a huge rise of temperatures in the Arctic will destabilize huge amounts of methane currently frozen in the sea ice on the ocean floor.
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"God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, the fire next time." The lyrics to this old gospel tune remind us that in Genesis, God promised not to flood the earth again (although it looks like many of us many soon be drowning), and there’s a good chance that in 50 or 100 or 200 years, coastal cities like New York City will sink beneath the sea.
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Different Things are happening at the top and bottom of our world: Antarctica is gaining MORE ice, at the same time that glaciers are melting in the Arctic. What’s causing this strange discrepancy? The wind.

Changing wind patterns around Antarctica have caused a small increase in sea ice, as a result of cold winds off the continent blowing ice away from the coastline.
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The Arctic melt that has opened up the Northwest Passage again may be good for business, but it’s bad for potential terrorism against the US.

In the past, the remote gray waters of the Alaskan Arctic saw little more than the occasional cargo barge and Eskimo whaling boat, but that’s changed: There are now so many ships in the area that the Coast Guard can’t keep track of them. They have no idea what these vessels are carrying or who is on them.
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