I’m Unknowncountry’s Out There editor and I also often write these show descriptions, and I’ve just listened to one of the most incredible Dreamlands that I’ve heard in my 10 years of doing this. As Whitley puts it in the second half of the show, “I think this might beread more

The hunt is back on for the still-undiscovered tomb of ancient Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti, after the search for the controversial monarch stalled in 2016 due to a disagreement as to whether or not hidden chambers had been found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Traces of what may have been two hidden doorways had been discovered using high-resolution scans of the boy-king’s tomb, although deeper scans into the stone walls failed to show any hidden passages, prompting Egypt’s Ministry of State of Antiquities to re-seal the site.
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The increasing use of satellite imagery to analyze the surface of the Earth has opened the benefits of orbital imaging technology to fields of study that previously would not have been imagined. Formerly the purview of spy surveillance and meteorologists, satellite imaging is now helping archaeologists look for new places to explore in the landscape, searching for large-scale or subtle patterns that would otherwise have been invisible to a researcher on the ground.
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Last fall, a team of Egyptologists discovered signs that there may be a series of hidden chambers connected to King Tutankhamun’s tomb — hints that were revealed in minute irregularities revealed in high-resolution 3D reproductions of the famous vault. Since then, deeper scans of the wall and the volume behind it have been made, revealing the previously undiscovered chambers there.

Egyptian Antiquities Minister Mamdouh el-Damaty made the announcement at a press conference on Mar 17, including a presentation of the radar scans. However, he declined to speculate on what they might find there, although he admitted that the rooms could hold metal or organic objects.
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