This is the first of a two part exploration of Andrew Collins’ highly controversial and explosive new discoveries in Egypt. Follow Andrew into unknown spaces beneath the Giza Plateau, and learn what this popular Dreamland guest found there. Then, next week, learn what he thinks all this have to do with human evolution and changes that we are experiencing in ourselves and our children right now.

An truly incredible journey from the most secret places of the ancient Egyptians to the radical changes in ourselves and our world that we are increasingly beginning to notice.

Next week, don’t miss Andrew Collins: the Stars

Andrew Collins’ website is
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Mary Lomando is a Jungian Astrologer and Egyptologist who has been searching for the fabled Hall of Records beneath the Giza Plateau for many years. She is also co-director of William Henry’s upcoming Stargate, Mysteries of Egypt tour in January of 2010.

She believes that there is an alchemical path to inner discovery of the Hall of Records, but that there are also trails that can be followed to the actual, physical place.

Read Mary’s blog here.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more