Would it be murder if we turned it off? – We can implant a computer control inside a disabled person’s brain, but can we implant a brain inside a computer?

Swiss researchers, working on something they call the Blue Brain project, claim they can build a fully-functioning replica of the human brain by 2020. In the British newspaper The Daily Mail, Michael Hanlon quotes neuroscientist Henry Markram as saying that he can build an electronic human brain “within ten years.”
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Would-be Dads should use them on a desk – While fatherhood might be far from the minds of most young men, behavior patterns they establish early on may impact their ability to become a dad later in life. Excessive laptop use (as well as wearing briefs instead of boxers) may be one of the biggest problems. Also, don’t eat too many sweets!
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Believe it or not, it has to do with a TV quiz show – An I.B.M. computer named Deep Blue beat world chess champ Garry Kasparov in 1997. Now I.B.M. has developed a computer named Watson that can beat a human in the TV quiz show “Jeopardy.”

I.B.M. is in the final stages of completing a computer program to compete against human “Jeopardy!” contestants. If the program beats the humans, artificial intelligence will have made a great leap forward.
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…and in the future, no more mouse! – According to computer designers, we will soon no longer need to use a mouse. It won’t be replaced by a button on the computer (which already exists on some computer models), we will use HAND GESTURES instead!

In BBC News, Maggie Shiels quotes researcher Steve Prentice as saying, “The mouse works fine in the desktop environment but for home entertainment or working on a notebook it’s over?Instead of using a conventional remote control you hold up your hand and it recognizes you have done that. It also recognizes your face and that you are you and it will display on your TV screen your menu. You can move your hand to move around and select what you want?[The new computer] recognizes even when you smile.”
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