MORE Odd cures (or preventatives, anyway): The combined effects of exercise plus caffeine consumption may be able to ward off skin cancer.
Chemical biologist Yao-Ping Lu says, "We found that this combination treatment can decrease sunlight-caused skin cancer formation in a mouse model. believe we may extrapolate these findings to humans and anticipate that we would benefit from these combination treatments as well."
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The Master of the Key warned about it. Whitley Strieber wrote about it in Hybrids. Now US scientists say that they’re on the point of creating memories that can be implanted into the human brain.

To construct the memory circuits, the scientists use a liquid alloy of gallium and indium, set in water-based gels that can be implanted into the brain. On the Register website, Rik Myslewski quotes researcher Michael Dickey as saying, "We’ve created a memory device with the physical properties of Jell-O. Our memory device is soft and pliable, and functions extremely well in wet environments–similar to the human brain." This would be a CURE for Alzheimer’s.
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