These days, flying to another city or country involves a lot of waiting in line. First we wait in the TSA line, then–at the end of the trip–we wait in line to get our luggage. When Houston airport started getting complaints from customers about having to wait for their checked baggage to arrive, they increased the number of baggage handlers, but that didn’t help.
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The Department of Homeland Security will soon be using a laser at airports that can detect everything about you from over 160 feet away. It can actually read you on a molecular level (in case you’re hiding something in your genes?)

It will be able to read your adrenaline levels (measuring your level of tension and excitement), as well as find traces of drugs and gun powder your clothes, all without a physical search.

The scanner is called the Picosecond Programmable Laser (PPL), and works by blasting its target with lasers which vibrate molecules that are then read by the machine.
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First, a pilot flying west of Denver reported a mystery object near his plane. The FAA dismissed the report. Now, a US Air crew reported a "flare-like" object near their plane over Philadelphia. How long can they deny this?

The FAA is investigating a corporate jet pilot’s radio transmission that he saw a possible remote-controlled aircraft flying near his jet over Denver on May 14. On, Michael Martinez quotes the pilot transmission to the air traffic control tower as saying, "A remote-controlled aircraft, or what, but something just went by the other way, about 20 to 30 seconds ago, and it was like a large remote-controlled aircraft."
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