The U.S. and Iraqi authorities have serious concerns that terrorists may be gaining access to nuclear and radioactive materials to use in some form of major terror attack.

A State Department official has revealed that the hard-line terror group, The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (known as ISIS or ISIL), has now taken control of around half of the country, potentially allowing it access to forms of low-level radioactive and radiological materials.
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A particularly reflective air seems to pervade today, on this, the third anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s death. Whatever your personal views are on who perpetrated the worst terrorist atrocity ever committed; whether you subscribe to the theory that al Qaeda were responsible, or whether your beliefs lie firmly within conspiracy territory, the name of Osama Bin Laden will forever be entwined with the events of that fateful day, and the anniversary of his death has become just another annual reminder for those who lost loved ones in the awful events.

Can those people ever truly find forgiveness? Is forgiveness always appropriate, even for the most heinous of transgressions?
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On 9th September, 2001, the world’s worst terrorist attack occurred, killing almost 3000 people. The official explanation for the terrible terrorist attacks that occurred on 11th September 2001, that the attacks were perpetrated by the terrorist group, al Qaeda, has been relentlessly disputed by researchers. In the four co-ordinated incidents, four passenger airplanes were hijacked by terrorists; two were flown directly into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and a third plane was crashed into the Pentagon offices in Washington. The fourth plane crashed into a field, but it was thought that its intended target was Washington D.C.
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On Thursday October 28, 2004, an assembly including thefamilies of 9/11 victims, survivors, and advocates delivereda complaint to the office of New York Attorney General EliotSpitzer asking for a complete criminal investigation of the9/11 terrorist attack.

Dissatisfied with both the 9/11 Commission Report and the2002 Joint Intelligence Inquiry, the Complainants requestedthat Attorney General Spitzer take full advantage of hisoffice?s power by investigating the attacks in terms ofofficial misconduct, insider trading, obstruction ofjustice, and accessorial abetment of murder. The complaintalso requests assessment and recovery of any damages frompeople or companies complicit in the crimes.
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