A surprising one this time – We have suggested numerous bizarre replacements for fossil fuels over the years. Here’s yet ANOTHER suggestion for something other than gasoline to put in our cars: Watermelon juice. And if it doesn’t work in the car, it makes great moonshine!

The problem with watermelons is, just like corn, farmers produce too much, and blemished fruit is often left to rot in the fields. Brazil runs its vehicles on sugar, so maybe we can run ours on fructose.

The USDA estimates that 1 in 5 watermelons is discarded. In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes agricultural researcher Wayne Fish as saying, “A field of watermelons can yield somewhere between 30 to 60 tons per acre of watermelon, so a fifth of that can be impressive.”

And according to Fish, “We do have enough in a bottle at about 190 proof for people to see and smell and touch. It kicks like a mule.”

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

At our Stargate conference in October, we won’t NEED watermelon juice (or anything else) to get high: We’ll be getting high on all the extraordinary ideas being exchanged. And if we LOOK up high, we may even see some UFOs!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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