Computers can do more than identify psychopaths–they can also give us a clue about who wrote the Bible.

The books of the Bible–both the Old Testament (or Torah) and the New Testament–were written by unknown authors. They are "named," but scholars doubt that these are their actual names so, except for the letters in the New Testament that were penned by Paul, the Bible was written by Anonymous. But a new computer program may be able to identify them.

On the Smart Planet website, Tuan C. Nguyen writes: "Now researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed an algorithm that they claim can delineate between the different contributors within individual books of the Bible. The program does this by detecting noted differences in writing styles and dividing the texts into probable author groupings. Its designed to distinguish between certain linguistic patterns, such as word preferences. One example might be an author’s preference for using the word ‘said’ versus ‘spoke.’"

Nguyen quotes researcher Nachum Dershowitz as saying, "If the computer can find features that Bible scholars haven’t noticed before, it adds new dimensions to their scholarship."

Speaking of Bible scholarship, in Whitley’s Room, just for subscribers, there are now several short (15 min.) discussions by Whitley Strieber on bible verses. The first covers the meaning of the phrase "because man goeth to his long home" in Ecclesiastes 12:5. It explains this enigmatic phrase in a startling and deeply moving way.

The second in the series covers John 13: 34: "Love one another." When Whitley begins talking about what the imposition of doctrine did at the Council of Nicea, this quickly becomes one of the most powerful discussions on any biblical passage you are going to hear. These brief fifteen minutes have the potential to free us from thousands of years of unacknowledged bondage to doctrine, and bring vivid new life to the experience of Jesus.

The third is on the opening lines of Genesis (you’ve never heard an interpretation like THIS before)! In another, Whitley Strieber talks about how the Romans saw Jesus, and uses the gospels and his deep knowledge of Roman history to explain what Jesus meant to them and why they executed him, and why they did it in the precise way that they did.

And the latest is on the REAL meaning of the "marriage feast at Cana."

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