About the end of the world in 2012? – Predictions are funny things: We still don’t know if the Mayans were right about their warning concerning December 21, 2012 (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to the first show). Besides their writings, the ancient Mayans found a way to record their history, by burying it underneath the floors of their homes over a thousand years ago. Researchers are just now starting to discover these items in central Belize.

The Mayans, whose cultured flourished from 250 to 900 AD (then mysteriously disappeared), would burn down their houses every 40 to 50 years, adding any newly-dead bodies to the pyre. But before they did this, many of them buried their treasures to keep them safe from the flames.

On the Eureka Alert website, Diana Yates quotes anthropologist Lisa J. Lucero as saying, “These things are buried, not to be seen, but it doesn’t mean people forgot about them. They are burying people in the exact same spot and removing bones from earlier ancestors to place them somewhere else, or removing pieces of them and keeping the pieces as mementos. The Maya believed in a cyclical way of living, so to their way of thinking, people don’t die as much as become ancestors.” To see some of these buried items, click here.

We may soon learn more about the Mayans, since archeologists have discovered a new way to find their overgrown cities, located deep within rain forests. In the past, they relied on word-of-mouth from local residents who remembered ancient lore or who had located them on their hunting expeditions. Now they shine laser beams down from small planes they fly overhead, to create 3D images of the cities.

Using this technique, archeologists Arlen and Diane Chase found one of the largest of these: a city called Caracol in Belize. In the May 11th edition of the New York Times, John Noble Wilford quotes Diane Chase as saying, “We were blown away. We believe that [this technique] will help transform Maya archaeology much in the same way that radiocarbon dating did in the 1950s and interpretations of Maya hieroglyphs did in the 1980s and ’90s.”

He quotes archeologist Payton D. Sheets as saying, “Finally, we have a nondestructive and rapid means of documenting the present ground surface through heavy vegetation cover. One can easily imagine, given the Caracol success, how important this would be in Southeast Asia, with the Khmer civilization at places like Angkor Wat.” Other archeologists want to use it at Stonehenge.

What will the future be like and how will it be different from today? If you’re talking about 2012 (Note: subscribers can still listen to this show), subscribers can still listen to this show), Whitley Strieber thinks he has FIGURED IT OUT, and he explains it all in our subscriber section. To access this information, enter the Subscriber section, click on the Audio Section then click on Special Interviews and scroll down until you see Special Interviews Archive, then click on that. The entire archive will open and you can scroll or do a browser search for the programming you are looking for.

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

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