The most popular books we’ve ever published, The Key and The Path, are arriving back on our store soon and you can get FREE autographed copies of BOTH of them if you’re one of the first 10 people who click the “donate” button on our homepage and donate at least $5. Your donation is your raffle “ticket,” but you need to donate by Nov. 15 in order to be eligible. Don’t know about The Path and The Key? Keep reading!

At three o’clock in the morning of June 6, 1998, Whitley Strieber was awakened by somebody knocking on his hotel room door. A man came bursting in and began to speak, and everything he said was new. Whitley managed to transcribe this conversation, which contains words of extraordinary wisdom such as, “Your destiny, each of you, is to become all of God.” He published this dialogue in his book The Key, which is currently unavailable, even in used editions.

Whitley is currently doing a series of meditations for subscribers and The Path reveals the meditation techniques that Whitley has been using for over 20 years, based on an interpretation of the ancient Tarot of Marseilles that has been kept secret for a thousand years. It was Whitley’s main tool of communication during the years he spent in contact with the visitors. Used copies are selling on for as much as $80.

You can pre-order these books now (and subscribers have a coupon with HUGE SAVINGS if they buy both books together). But if you make a donation now, you COULD get them for FREE!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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