Before we invaded Iraq, we accused Saddam Hussein of having chemical weapons, but none have ever been found. Now it turns out that we used them against Iraqi insurgents. We used large amounts of white phosphorus on the Iraqi city of Fallujah in when our forces staged an attack there a year ago. White phosphorus causes deaths and serious burns.

In the Independent, Peter Popham quotes the Islam Online website as saying, “US troops are reportedly using chemical weapons and poisonous gas in its large-scale offensive on the Iraqi resistance bastion of Fallujah, a grim reminder of Saddam Hussein’s alleged gassing of the Kurds in 1988?The US occupation troops are gassing resistance fighters and confronting them with internationally banned chemical weapons.” The US claims they only fired the phosphorus into the air “to illuminate enemy positions at night.”

But US soldiers are gradually leaking the truth to foreign media, although you won’t read about this in any US newspapers. As with the Abu Ghraib prison torture, photos and videos have been leaked. These show horrible burns and scars on the skin of civilians.

In a documentary to be broadcast by the Italian equivalent of public televison, a US soldier who fought at Fallujah says, “I heard the order to pay attention because they were going to use white phosphorus on Fallujah?Phosphorus burns bodies, in fact it melts the flesh all the way down to the bone…I saw the burned bodies of women and children. Phosphorus explodes and forms a cloud. Anyone within a radius of [less than a tenth of a mile] is done for.”

Art credit: Rai24 TV news

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