Last year, half of all of California’s bees died off, and bee populations across the world continued to plummet. The research is conclusive: bee colony collapse starts when bees are exposed to neonicotinoid pesticides. These pesticides are already banned in the European Union and are being banned around the world–but not in the United States where powerful lobbies are flooding Congress with money to kill the Save America’s Pollinator’s Act introduced by Congressman Earl Blumenauer of Oregon. If we do nothing, our bee population is going to decline to unrecoverable levels in just a few more years, and for the first time in its history, the United States is going to experience food shortages.
A petition has been created to present to Congress urging the passage of the Pollinator’s Act, and Whitley and Anne Strieber urge you to take a moment to sign it. To add your name to the list, go here.
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