A report received from the Baltic dive states that the divers are on the site and are examining the object that is there. No report on what it is, but they are saying that they are ‘amazed.’ Contrary to internet rumors, there is no evidence of any military exercise in the area, and it is anticipated that the first reports on the find will be released in about a week.

A sunken anomaly in the Baltic Sea that was discovered last year by sonar is now being re-investigated by the dive team that originally located it. While Swedish researchers Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg don’t call this strange object a UFO, they’re not positive it ISN’T one either. It looks manmade, rather than being a natural object such as a small, emerging volcano.

Asberg, previously guarded about the find, now says, "we are confident that we found something really cool."

On the evening of May 24th, they sailed on the ship Ancylus from Norrtälje harbor out to the Baltic plains. They expect the dive to take two weeks, but if they find something, they intend to stay on the dive as long necessary to recover the object.

However, there are unconfirmed reports that there is a joint US-Russian military exercise being conducted in the area, so it may be that the divers will come back empty-handed, either unable to enter the site or finding it empty.

If you want to learn more about UFOs and ETs, don’t look under the sea–come to unknowncountry.com and learn all about it!

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