It was like a scene from Superstorm in England yesterday as tornadoes swept across the center of the country. As we have reported on Unknowncountry before, the most likely cause of the extraordinarily violent weather that has been experienced in the UK this year is that the Gulf Stream is weakening.

Tornado-like winds tore roofs off of houses and uprooted trees. BBC News quotes one resident of an area that was hit by the storms says the sky turned “completely black.” We are familiar with descriptions like these in the US, where tornadoes are not that uncommon and residents of states where they hit are prepared for them, but they are a fairly new phenomenon in the UK and have caught the residents of that country by surprise.

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There are no violent storms to be seen anywhere in the gorgeous photos of crop circles in the UK that you can see in our fabulous crop circle calendars. And if you act FAST, you?ll get a 2007 calendar FREE (no storms to be seen in that one either)! Subscribers have a special coupon that gives them $2 off.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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