Despite the Warren Commission’s conclusion that only one gunman killed John F. Kennedy in 1963, recent research shows that two gunmen were almost certainly involved. And new information about who actually killed Kennedy?and why?has also been revealed.

Before Kennedy was murdered, retired FBI agent James Hosty was assigned to investigate Lee Harvy Oswald, who visited the Russian Embassy in Mexico for just before the assassination. “They were trying to pull an inside coup and overthrow Castro, and Castro found out about it,” Hosty says. “And that’s when Oswald went to Mexico City, met with the KGB chief assassin for the Western Hemisphere, and met with the Cubans. We found out after the assassination that Oswald had offered to kill Kennedy to the Cubans.” But did he really do it? British forensic scientist D.B. Thomas backs the “grassy knoll” theory that says a second gunman shot at the president at exactly the same moment that assassin Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots from the Dallas book depository. Thomas has examined recordings of radio channels used by Dallas and says that five separate gunshot sounds can be heard on one of the tapes at exactly the time the president was shot. He says mistakes were made in synchronizing the conversations on the two police frequencies led earlier investigations to dismiss the theory of a second gunman. He says, “One of the sounds matches the echo pattern of a test shot fired from the grassy knoll.” He thinks Kennedy was actually killed by a bullet from the knoll that was fired seven-tenths of a second earlier than Oswald’s bullet.

Was Oswald just the fall guy?and did the government protect the real assassin? Robert Vinson a young Air Force sergeant when he found himself in the middle of the Kennedy assassination. He first tried to go public about what he saw in 1993, but was unable to obtain assistance from the FBI. “But facts are facts,” says James P. Johnston, the co-author of their book. “There’s no denying what Vinson saw and what ensued after the CIA found out.”

He hitched a ride home the morning of Nov. 22, 1963 from Andrews Air Force Base to his duty station in Colorado. The airplane he boarded was a C-54 that was missing the usual Air Force markings and had no flight log, cargo, or manifest. Somewhere over Nebraska, one of the two-man flight crew spoke to Vinson. “He said in a flat, unemotional voice that the president had been shot,” Vinson recalls.

The plane quickly veered south and landed near Dallas, where it picked up two men. It finally landed at Roswell Air Force Base in New Mexico, where the crew departed, leaving Vison to take a long bus ride home. On Nov. 23, Vinson and his wife Roberta were watching the news. “I shook my head and told Roberta that the little guy on TV looked just like one of the guys on the plane,” Vinson says. “‘But it couldn’t be,'” Roberta replied. “‘Lee Harvey Oswald is in jail.'”

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