It may be hard to believe, but slavery still exists?and some of it is pretty close to home. A UN report reveals that almost every country in the world is involved with human trafficking.

We?re familiar with headlines about Mexicans being brought across the border in order to do jobs Americans aren?t willing or able to do, such as working in sweatshops or picking crops. Young girls (and boys) are also brought here for prostitution, often without realizing that this is the fate that awaits them across the border.

According to the UN, these slaves come mainly from 127 developing countries and travel to around 137 destinations in industrialized countries. The top destinations are Belgium, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Thailand, Turkey and the US. They pass through around 100 countries, including Germany, Greece and France, along the way. In the Independent, Anne Penketh quotes Antonio Maria Costa, who helped to compile the data, as saying, “The fact that slavery?in the form of human trafficking?still exists in the 21st century shames us all.”

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