If the Federal government won’t take a stand against global warming, individual states will have to do it alone. California has filed a lawsuit against six leading car manufacturers, saying that the emissions from the cars they produce are changing the state’s weather.

Andrew Gumbel reports in the Independent that California attorney general Bill Lockyer is suing General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota and Nissan because they “either knew or should have known the severe impact their vehicles would have on the health of the planet?Vehicle emissions are the single most rapidly growing source of the carbon emissions contributing to global warming, yet the federal government and the automakers have refused to act.”

California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican who has courted the support of President Bush, says, “There are some issues in the world that are simply so compelling?that they demand us to put aside our partisan differences and attack them head on.”

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Where did Whitley and Art get the information that forms the basis for their groundbreaking book, which was made into the hit film The Day After Tomorrow? Only those in the know have the Key to this secret. Don’t count on the government to save us from global warming?there are many important things that YOU can do. To learn some of them, click here and scroll down. You can also fight climate change by supporting those of us who get the REAL news out about what’s going on. Don’t forget about our big summer blowout sale. Subscribers SAVE EVEN MORE, so don’t wait a minute more: subscribe today.

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