According to British writer Michael Munn, author of “John Wayne?the Man Behind the Myth”?Stalin tried to assassinate Wayne several times in the 1940s and early 50s, because he was an avowed anti-Communist. In the first attempt, two Russian assassins posing as FBI agents tried to kill him in his office at Warner Brothers in Hollywood. However, the plot was uncovered and the potential assassins were captured.

The assassination attempts ended when Stalin died in 1953, because his successor Nikita Krushchev was a big fan of Wayne’s. Krushchev met Wayne privately in 1958 and told him, “That was a decision of Stalin during his last five mad years. When Stalin died I rescinded that order.” In a non-Communist plot, a sniper tried to kill Wayne when he visited troops in Vietnam in 1966, but he survived until 1979, when he died of cancer.

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