Documents captured during the Israeli military offensive inApril give evidence for Saudi financing of Palestinianmilitants. The documents give details about the flow offunds from Saudi government institutions to Hamas and theIslamic Jihad, two groups that recruit suicide bombers.

According to the Israeli report, “The documents clearlyunveil that Saudi Arabia transferred inter alia large sumsof money in a systematic and ongoing manner to families ofsuicide terrorists to the Hamas organization and to personsand entities identified with Hamas.” One Saudi group, theSaudi Committee for Support of the Palestinian Uprising,headed by Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef Bin AbdulAziz, transferred $55.7 million, mostly to the families ofsuicide bombers. The report says that contributions fromSaudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states make up most ofHamas’s budget.

The captured Palestinian documents show how the Saudistransferred money to charities linked to Hamas, rather thangiving directly to the Palestinian goverment. One memorandumstates that ?Saudi Arabia refused to give this money[earmarked for terrorist prisoners] to the PalestinianAuthority out of fear that the money may not reach thedetainees.”

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell admits the governmentis aware that Saudi Arabia is financing Palestinianmilitants. “With respect to payments to organizations suchas Hamas and similar organizations, we have spoken to ourArab friends, and the president has made reference to thisin his speech, that this kind of payment should stop,”Powell says. “The Saudis would say that they are not givingit to an organization, they’re giving it to individuals inneed. Nevertheless, I think it’s a real problem when youincentivize in any way suicide bombings.”

Any chance the FBI would have discovered that Saudi Arabiawas sending us terrorists before 911? Find out what wentwrong from ?The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI? byRonaldKessler,clickhere.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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