Oscar is still at it: After all this time, the five-year-old cat named Oscar, who was adopted as a kitten by a nursing home in Providence, Rhode Island, still has the amazing ability to detect death. (If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story! To sign up, click here).

Oscar when he was just a kitten. Although he is not a social guy, he has “predicted” over 50 deaths by cuddling up to those who had only hours left to live. Oscar has even out-guessed the nursing home staff and will scratch at the door of a dying patient if he is not allowed in.

Oscar’s ability has even been reported in scientific journals by New England physician Dr. David Dosa, a geriatrician at Brown University and the author of the book “Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat.”

Dosa says, “It’s not like he dawdles. He’ll slip out for two minutes, grab some kibble and then he’s back at the patient’s side. It’s like he’s literally on a vigil.”

Anne Strieber writes about similar phenomena in her diaries Four Days, Goodbye, and The Love that Led Me Home. If you love Anne’s diaries, the way to make sure they’ll still be here tomorrow is to subscribe today!

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