If you’re in despair because you can’t find time to go to the gym, you should know that three or four short, brisk walks throughout the day can be more helpful to people watching their blood pressure than one continuous bout of exercise.

Researcher Janet P. Wallace says, “You might think, ‘I don’t have the time to go to the gym or work out for 40 minutes, but I might have the time to do 10 minutes here, 10 minutes here and another 10 minutes here.’ Four 10-minute walks would be ideal.”

Wallace’s study compared the effect of accumulated physical activity (done in several short bursts) versus continuous physical activity on elevated blood pressure and found that both forms of exercise decreased study participants’ blood pressure by the SAME amount. They should also use up the same calories, so this is good advice for dieters too.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

Sometimes we have to work a little harder to figure out how the world REALLY works. Did you know there’s a FREE diet book right here on our website? To read it, click here and scroll down to What I Learned From the Fat Years. Anne Strieber, who used to be a diabetic, devised this diet herself, using scientific principles, and lost 100 pounds by following it?and you can too?and you don?t have to learn to be a kitchen witch to do it, either! There?s a separate section on exercise. Subscribers: If things work out as we hope they will, you will be able to chat VERY SOON with Starfire Tor, Peter Levenda and Jim Marrs. MANY of you have expressed a desire to have a conversation with them! So don?t hesitate a single minute longer: subscribe today! And subscribers save EVEN MORE on our big blowout summer sale!

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