Researchers have discovered a protein called CD45 which can”turn off” disease signals to the body. It may be able to cause the body to heal itself of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, as well as autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, MS, and lupus.

Dr. Josef Penninger, of the University of Toronto, explains that when our bodies are invaded by disease, attack signals are sent to the cells, alerting them to the problem and starting up the body’s defenses.

The problem is that these cells can overreact and keep on fighting, even after the invader has been destroyed. This results in chronic diseases and the growth of cancer cells.

CD45 sends a “cease fire” signal to the immune system that prevents it from destroying healthy cells in its eagerness to kill outside invaders.

“For me, this is what makes science so exciting,” says Penninger. Since we all know someone who suffers from one of these diseases, it’s exciting news for us too.

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