What will we do without our bees? It turns out that a new kind of honey has "amazing" results treating wounds and infections. (For Linda Moulton Howe’s way-early report on bee dieback, click here.)

When the bio-engineered product Surgihoney was tested on babies, new mothers, cancer patients and the elderly for over a year in Hampshire hospitals in the UK, the results were amazing: wounds and ulcers, including those infected with the superbug MRSA, healed within days, while the number of women who suffered infections after giving birth by caesarean section halved.

It has also healed the wounds of soldiers returning from Afghanistan, and been used to treat acne and to protect the skin of cancer patients fitted with a catheter for chemotherapy. Honey has been used for its healing powers for thousands of years, although doctors favor penicillin and antibiotics.
In the Daily Mail, Valerie Elliott quotes microbiologist Matthew Dryen as saying, ‘It will revolutionize wound care around the world.."

We’ve been reporting on our endangered bees for years–long before the general media noticed this critical problem. To find out how you can keep reporting like this coming, click here.

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