Mexico’s archeologists don’t put much credence in the ancient Mayan prediction that the world will end in December of 2012, but at a recent press conference they admitted that a second reference to that date has been found on a carved fragment at a southern Mexican Mayan site. Is this the secret they’ve been hinting about?

National Institute of Anthropology and History spokesman Arturo Mendez says the fragment of inscription was discovered years ago and has been thoroughly studied. It is not on display at the moment, but is being kept in storage. Many experts still doubt that it is a definite reference to Dec. 21, 2012 or Dec. 23, 2012, the two dates proposed by the Mayans as the possible end of the world.

In the Huffington Post, Mark Stevenson quotes researcher David Stuart as saying, "Some have proposed it as another reference to 2012, but I remain rather unconvinced. There’s no reason it couldn’t be also a date in ancient times, describing some important historical event in the Classic period." In other words, it could be referring to the PAST, not the future.

The Mexican Institute of Anthropology and History still contends that the idea of an apocolypse in late December, 2012, is a Westernized misinterpretation of Mayan calendars. The Mayans saw time as a series of cycles that regularly began and ended.

In the Huffington Post, Stevenson quotes an official statement from them saying that "western messianic thought has twisted the cosmovision of ancient civilizations like the Maya."

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